Texas & Federal response to Colonial Pipeline Hack

CTG Tech
2 min readMay 20, 2021

Five bills introduced to the House of Representatives:

H.R. 2980, The “Cybersecurity Vulnerability Remediation Act” With the critical vulnerabilities looming over society, it is imperative that we take a step back to assess and revisit our defenses. This vulnerability remediation act will help us do just that by granting CISA authority in assisting with strategies against these most pressing of cybersecurity threats.

H.R. 3138, The “State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act” The U.S. National Cybersecurity Center, established by President Obama in 2016 under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), announces their intention to provide a new grant program that will fund State and local governments with up to $500 million annually for cybersecurity measures- such as securing digital devices on networks or educating citizens about cyber threats — so they can keep their systems safe from potential attacks

The US National Cybersecurity Center has announced its plans regarding funding network security across state lines through dedicated grants worth up to half a billion dollars per year! The idea is that this money would go towards paying states like Louisiana, which suffered significant damage following Hurricane Katrina back in 2005; Texas after Cyclone Harvey hit last August 2017; Puerto Rico since it was devastated

H.R. 3223, The “CISA Cyber Exercise Act” Establishes a National Cyber Exercise program within the CISA to promote more regular testing and systemic assessments of preparedness and resilience against cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.

H.R. 3243, The “Pipeline Security Act” -The Department of Homeland Security is working to make pipelines safer by enhancing security. This bill will allow the department, which has been designated as responsible for protecting these systems against cyberattacks and terrorist attacks since 2003, to continue doing its job effectively.

H.R. 3264, The “Domains Critical to Homeland Security Act” The “Domains Critical to Homeland Security Act” will authorize the Department of Homeland Security conduct research into supply chain risks for critical domains and transmit results to Congress.

Originally published at https://www.ctgmanagedit.com on May 20, 2021.



CTG Tech

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